Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Signs of grace around us

As I was walking our dog, Moses, this morning, I was surprised to see an elderly neighbor buzzing down the road on his riding lawnmower. It was early and I've not seen him driving about the neighborhood before. But then I realized he was probably heading to the home of an elderly woman with Alzheimer's who lost her husband not long ago. And indeed he turned into her driveway. I had noticed her yard had grown up again. Shortly after her husband died, the neighbors got together and mowed, trimmed trees and hedges and generally fixed up the yard. Her husband had been frail for some time, but had insisted on continuing to do it for himself. His wife does not have the ability to keep the place up. In a world where the morning headlines speak of the unspeakable things we human beings do to each other on a regular basis, it was a small thing, but it warmed my heart. There are good things happening around us in this world. We just have to keep our eyes and hearts attuned to God's presence and to those who serve God here among us.

Grace and Peace,
Donna Sue

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