Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Nothing new under the sun

I have been thinking about the book of Ecclesiastes of late and the message that there is nothing new under the sun, or more specifically, "Is there a thing of which it is said, 'See, this is new'? It has already been in the ages before us." Ecclesiastes 1:10, NRSV. I started down this thought path as my husband and I listened to old radio shows on a long trip recently on our new satellite radio system. I remembered my parents stories about listening to the radio in the days before television. Then I started thinking about the fact that online catalog sales are growing and traditional brick and mortar stores are struggling or closing. I remembered that at one time, if you needed something you ordered it through the catalog and waited until it arrived. Finally, I focused on one of the new shopping and living developments south of us, which combines businesses and residences in a convenient, small, dense area, much like cities did once upon a time. I suspect many of those involved in these new trends are not old enough to remember when these new things were the old normal. Maybe not exactly "nothing new under the sun," but certainly a return to old practices in a new form, which pretty much amounts to the same thing. There is a lot of wisdom in the ancient book of Ecclesastes.

Grace and Peace,

Donna Sue

Friday, January 7, 2011


I spent the day of Epiphany with writer friends, beginning with an early writing group at a local Starbucks where we write responses to short prompts and then share what we have written. I suggested epiphany as a topic and it prompted some interesting results. I wrote that it had been some time since I had had the kind of epiphany that is a sudden insight. I was rewarded by a couple of epiphanies almost immediately that morning. Our second topic for the morning was piles. We laughed at each others comments. I discovered that each of us struggled to deal with the piles of information and stuff in our lives. It was a blessing to know that others also struggle with this problem, and I am not alone. Epiphany number one. I also discovered, as I listened to Bonnie, a reason I had not considered for my own struggles. She wrote that as a child she was a good little girl because that was expected by her demanding parents, but the one thing they could not control was her piles of papers and belongings, which she maintained as her own domain. Epiphany number two. I too was a good little girl with little freedom in my life and many demands, but mostly my belongings were my own to keep. It was the one place in my life where I could get away with some disorder. Strange to think I may have continued that childhood habit into adulthood. Perhaps this insight will help me tackle and reduce some of the current piles. It is time to lighten my load as I enter this new year. God's grace comes in the small blessings of insights from friends as well as in the large ones in this life.

Grace and Peace,
Donna Sue